Source code for scannerpy.source
import grpc
import copy
from scannerpy.common import *
from scannerpy.op import OpColumn, collect_per_stream_args, check_modules
from scannerpy.protobufs import python_to_proto, protobufs
[docs]class Source:
def __init__(self, sc, name, enumerator_args, source_args={}):
self._sc = sc
self._name = name
self._args = source_args
self._job_args = enumerator_args
source_info = self._sc._get_source_info(self._name)
cols = source_info.output_columns
outputs = [OpColumn(self._sc, self,, c.type) for c in cols]
self._outputs = outputs
self._inputs = [OpColumn(self._sc, None,, c.type) for c in cols]
# For the ColumnSource, we insert the storage config to allow the source
# to read from the database
if name == 'FrameColumn' or name == 'Column':
sc = self._sc.config.config['storage']
def check_and_add(key):
if key in sc:
self._args[key] = sc[key]
self._args['storage_type'] = sc['type']
if 'load_sparsity_threshold' not in self._args:
self._args['load_sparsity_threshold'] = 8
[docs] def outputs(self):
if len(self._outputs) == 1:
return self._outputs[0]
return tuple(self._outputs)
[docs] def to_proto(self, indices):
e = protobufs.Op() = self._name
e.is_source = True
inp = e.inputs.add()
inp.column = self._inputs[0]._col
inp.op_index = -1
if isinstance(self._args, dict):
# To convert an arguments dict, we search for a protobuf with the
# name {Name}SourceArgs (e.g. ColumnSourceArgs) and the name
# {Name}EnumeratorArgs (e.g. ColumnEnumeratorArgs) in the
# args.proto module, and fill that in with keys from the args dict.
if len(self._args) > 0:
source_info = self._sc._get_source_info(self._name)
if len(source_info.protobuf_name) > 0:
proto_name = source_info.protobuf_name
e.kernel_args = python_to_proto(proto_name, self._args)
e.kernel_args = self._args
# If arguments are a protobuf object, serialize it directly
e.kernel_args = self._args.SerializeToString()
return e
[docs]class SourceGenerator:
Creates Source instances to define a computation.
When a particular Source is requested from the generator, e.g.
`sc.source.Sequence`, the generator does a dynamic lookup for the
Source in the servers registry.
def __init__(self, sc):
self._sc = sc
def __getattr__(self, name):
# Use Sequence as alias of Column
if name == 'Sequence' or name == 'FrameSequence':
name = name.replace('Sequence', 'Column')
# This will raise an exception if the source does not exist.
source_info = self._sc._get_source_info(name)
enumerator_info = self._sc._get_enumerator_info(name)
def make_source(*args, **kwargs):
enumerator_args = collect_per_stream_args(name, enumerator_info.protobuf_name, kwargs)
source = Source(self._sc, name, enumerator_args, kwargs)
return source.outputs()
return make_source