Source code for

from scannerpy.common import ScannerException
from typing import List, Callable, Any, Generator
from scannerpy.types import get_type_info_cpp
import hwang
import storehouse

[docs]class NullElement: """Represents a 'null' output in a stream generated through Scanner. These can show up e.g. when you use a spacing/repeat operator. NullElement is used instead of the more generic Python 'None', as a Python kernel can have 'None' as a valid output which isn't the same as a 'null' stream element. """ pass
[docs]class StorageBackend: """I/O backend for streams fed in/out of Scanner."""
[docs] def source(self, sc, streams): """Returns the Scanner source corresponding to this storage backend. Parameters ---------- sc: Client Scanner client streams: List[StoredStream] List of StoredStream objects of the same storage type Returns ---------- source: Source Scanner source """ raise ScannerException( "StorageBackend class `{}` cannot serve as a Scanner input.".format(type(self).__name__))
[docs] def sink(self, sc, op, streams): """Returns the Scanner sink corresponding to this storage backend. Parameters ---------- sc: Client Scanner client op: Op Input op from computation graph streams: List[StoredStream] List of StoredStream objects of the same storage type Returns ---------- sink: Sink Scanner sink """ raise ScannerException( "StorageBackend class `{}` cannot serve as a Scanner output.".format(type(self).__name__))
[docs] def delete(self, sc, streams): """Deletes the streams from storage if they exist. Parameters ---------- sc: Client Scanner client streams: List[StoredStream] List of StoredStream objects of the same storage type """ raise ScannerException( "StorageBackend class `{}` cannot delete elements.".format(type(self).__name__))
[docs]class StoredStream: """Handle to a stream stored in a particular storage backend. In general, a StoredStream is not guaranteed to exist, but you can always check this using :func:`exists`. """
[docs] def load_bytes(self, rows: List[int] = None) -> Generator[bytes, None, None]: """A generator that incrementally loads raw bytes from the stored stream. This function is not intended to be called directly by the user. See :func:`load`. Parameters ---------- rows: List[int] List of indices in the stream to load. Default is all elements. """ raise ScannerException( "Stream `{}` cannot load elements into Python.".format(type(self).__name__))
[docs] def committed(self) -> bool: """Check if a stream is completely materialized in storage. A stream may exist, but not be committed if a Scanner job was run that was supposed to output the stream, but the job failed for any reason. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def exists(self) -> bool: """Check if any part of a stream exists in storage.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def storage(self) -> StorageBackend: """Get the storage backend corresponding to this stream.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def len(self) -> int: """Get the number of elements in this stream.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def name(self) -> str: """Gets a human interpretable name for this stored stream.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def type(self) -> type: """Get the Scanner type of elements in this stream if it exists, and return None otherwise.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def estimate_size(self) -> int: """Estimates the size in bytes of elements in the stream. Not guaranteed to be accurate, just used for heuristics.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def load(self, ty: type = None, fn: Callable[[bytes], Any] = None, rows: List[int] = None) -> Generator[Any, None, None]: """Load elements from the stored stream into Python. Parameters ---------- ty: type Scanner type of elements in the stream. If the storage backend recorded the type, that will be used by default. fn: Callable[[bytes], Any] Deserialization function that maps elements as bytes to their actual type. rows: List[int] List of indices in the stream to load. Default is all elements. Returns ---------- generator: Generator[Any, None, None] A generator that outputs one stream element at a time. """ if not self.committed(): raise ScannerException("Tried to load from uncommitted stream") # Use a deserialize function if provided. # If not, use a type if provided. # If not, attempt to determine the type from the column's table descriptor. # If that doesn't work, then assume no deserialization function, and return bytes. if fn is None: if ty is None: ty = self.type() if ty is not None: fn = ty.deserialize for obj in self.load_bytes(rows=rows): if fn is not None and type(obj) == bytes: yield fn(obj) else: yield obj
[docs] def delete(self, sc): """Deletes the stream from its storage if it exists. Parameters ---------- sc: Client Scanner client """, [self])
[docs]class NamedStorage(StorageBackend): """Named storage for byte streams. Useful default output format for non-video-data. Stores byte streams in a custom packed binary file format. Supports both local filesystems (Linux/Posix) and cloud file systems (S3, GCS). """ def __init__(self, storage_config=None): if storage_config is None: storage_config = storehouse.StorageConfig.make_posix_config() self._storage_config = storage_config self._storehouse_backend = None def _storehouse(self): if self._storehouse_backend is None: self._storehouse_backend = storehouse.StorageBackend.make_from_config(self._storage_config) return self._storehouse_backend
[docs] def source(self, sc, streams): return sc.sources.Column( table_name=[s._name for s in streams], column_name=['column' for s in streams])
[docs] def sink(self, sc, op, streams): return sc.sinks.Column( columns={'column': op}, table_name=[s._name for s in streams], column_name=['column' for s in streams])
[docs] def delete(self, sc, streams): if len(streams) > 0: sc.delete_tables([e._name for e in streams])
[docs]class NamedVideoStorage(NamedStorage): """Named storage for video streams. Special baked-in storage class for keeping videos compressed."""
[docs] def source(self, sc, streams): return sc.sources.FrameColumn( table_name=[s._name for s in streams], column_name=['frame' for s in streams])
[docs] def sink(self, sc, op, streams): return sc.sinks.FrameColumn( columns={'frame': op}, table_name=[s._name for s in streams], column_name=['frame' for s in streams])
[docs] def ingest(self, sc, streams, batch=500): to_ingest = [(s._name, s._path) for s in streams if (s._path is not None and s._inplace == False)] to_ingest_inplace = [(s._name, s._path) for s in streams if (s._path is not None and s._inplace == True)] if len(to_ingest) > 0: for i in range(0, len(to_ingest), batch): sc.ingest_videos(to_ingest[i:i+batch], inplace=False, force=True) if len(to_ingest_inplace) > 0: for i in range(0, len(to_ingest_inplace), batch): sc.ingest_videos(to_ingest_inplace[i:i+batch], inplace=True, force=True)
[docs]class NamedStream(StoredStream): """Stream of elements stored on disk with a given name.""" def __init__(self, sc, name: str, storage=None): """ Parameters ---------- sc: Client Scanner client. name: str Name of the stream. storage: NamedStorage Optional NamedStorage object. """ if storage is None: self._storage = NamedStorage() else: self._storage = storage self._sc = sc self._name = name
[docs] def type(self): seq = self._sc.sequence(self._name) seq._load_meta() type_name = seq._descriptor.type_name if type_name != "": return get_type_info_cpp(type_name) else: return None
[docs] def name(self): return self._name
[docs] def storage(self): return self._storage
[docs] def committed(self): return self._sc.sequence(self._name)._table.committed()
[docs] def exists(self): return self._sc.sequence(self._name)._table.exists()
[docs] def len(self): return self._sc.sequence(self._name)._table.num_rows()
[docs] def load_bytes(self, rows=None): seq = self._sc.sequence(self._name) yield from seq.load(fn=lambda x: x, workers=16, rows=rows)
[docs]class NamedVideoStream(NamedStream): """Stream of video frame stored (compressed) in named storage.""" def __init__(self, sc, name, path=None, inplace=False, storage=None): """ Parameters ---------- sc: Client Scanner client name: str Name of the stream in Scanner storage. path: str Path to corresponding video file. If this parameter is given, the named video stream will be created from the video at the given path. storage: NamedFrameStorage Optional NamedFrameStorage object. """ if storage is None: self._storage = NamedVideoStorage() else: self._storage = storage self._sc = sc self._name = name self._path = path self._inplace = inplace self._ingested = False def _ingest(self): if not self._ingested and self._path is not None: self._ingested = True, [self])
[docs] def committed(self): self._ingest() return self._sc.sequence(self._name)._table.committed()
[docs] def exists(self): self._ingest() return self._sc.sequence(self._name)._table.exists()
[docs] def len(self): self._ingest() return self._sc.sequence(self._name)._table.num_rows()
[docs] def load_bytes(self, rows=None): self._ingest() seq = self._sc.sequence(self._name) yield from seq.load(fn=lambda x: x, workers=16, rows=rows)
[docs] def estimate_size(self): self._ingest() col = self._sc.sequence(self._name) col._load_meta() vmeta = col._video_descriptor return vmeta.width * vmeta.height * vmeta.channels
[docs] def save_mp4(self, output_name, fps=None, scale=None): self._ingest() return self._sc.sequence(self._name).save_mp4(output_name, fps=fps, scale=scale)
[docs] def as_hwang(self): try: video_file = storehouse.RandomReadFile(self._storage._storehouse(), self._path.encode('ascii')) except UserWarning: raise Exception('Path to video `{}` does not exist.'.format(self._path)) return hwang.Decoder(video_file)