Source code for scannerpy.common
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import Enum
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from psutil import virtual_memory
import GPUtil
import logging
import datetime
import math
log = logging.getLogger('scanner')
log.propagate = False
if not log.handlers:
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
[docs]class ScannerException(Exception):
[docs]class DeviceType(Enum):
""" Enum for specifying where an Op should run. """
CPU = 0
GPU = 1
[docs] @staticmethod
def to_proto(protobufs, device):
if device == DeviceType.CPU:
return protobufs.CPU
elif device == DeviceType.GPU:
return protobufs.GPU
raise ScannerException('Invalid device type')
[docs]class DeviceHandle(object):
def __init__(self, device, device_id):
self.device = device
self.device_id = device_id
[docs]class ColumnType(Enum):
""" Enum for specifying what the type of a column is. """
Blob = 0
Video = 1
[docs] @staticmethod
def to_proto(protobufs, ty):
if ty == ColumnType.Blob:
return protobufs.Bytes
elif ty == ColumnType.Video:
return protobufs.Video
raise ScannerException('Invalid column type')
[docs]class CacheMode(Enum):
Error = 1
Ignore = 2
Overwrite = 3
[docs]class PerfParams(object):
The size of the packets of intermediate elements to pass between
operations. This parameter only affects performance and should not
affect the output.
The size of the packets of elements to read and write from Sources and
sinks. This parameter only affects performance and should not
affect the output. When reading and writing to high latency storage
(such as the cloud), it is helpful to increase this value.
A string describing the size of the CPU memory pool to initialize.
If none, no memory pool is used.
A string describing the size of the GPU memory pool to initialize.
If none, no memory pool is used.
The number of concurrent instances of the computation graph to
execute. If set to None, it will be automatically inferred based on
computation graph and the available machine resources.
The max number of tasks that a worker will request from the master
for each pipeline instance. This influences the amount of data that
can will be resident in memory at once.
def __init__(self,
work_packet_size: int,
io_packet_size: int,
cpu_pool: str = None,
gpu_pool: str = None,
pipeline_instances_per_node: int = None,
load_sparsity_threshold: int = 8,
queue_size_per_pipeline: int = 4):
self.work_packet_size = work_packet_size
self.io_packet_size = io_packet_size
self.cpu_pool = cpu_pool
self.gpu_pool = gpu_pool
self.pipeline_instances_per_node = pipeline_instances_per_node
self.load_sparsity_threshold = load_sparsity_threshold
self.queue_size_per_pipeline = queue_size_per_pipeline
[docs] @classmethod
def manual(cls, work_packet_size, io_packet_size, **kwargs):
r"""Explicitly provide values for each performance parameter.
See class definition for explanation of each parameter.
def resolve(*args, **kwargs2):
return cls(work_packet_size, io_packet_size, **kwargs)
return resolve
[docs] @classmethod
def estimate(cls,
max_memory_util: float = 0.7,
total_memory: int = None,
work_io_ratio: float = 0.2,
queue_size_per_pipeline: int = 4,
r"""Guess the best value of each performance parameters given the computation graph.
Target maximum memory utilization as a fraction of the total system memory, e.g. 0.5 means Scanner
should try to use 50% of the machine's memory.
Total memory on the worker machines in bytes. Memory of the current machine will be used if none is
is provided.
Ratio of work_packet_size to io_packet_size.
The max number of tasks potentially resident for each pipeline on a worker.
def resolve(inputs, ops):
max_size = 0
for ins in inputs:
except NotImplementedError:
max_size = max(max([i.estimate_size() for i in ins]), max_size)
if max_size == 0:
log.warning('PerfParams.estimate could not estimate size of input stream elements, '
'falling back to conservative guess')
return cls(10, 100)
has_gpu = False
for op in ops:
if hasattr(op, '_device') and op._device == DeviceType.GPU:
has_gpu = True
if has_gpu:
gpus = GPUtil.getGPUs()
pipeline_instances = len(gpus)
max_memory = min([g.memoryTotal for g in gpus])
pipeline_instances = cpu_count()
max_memory = virtual_memory().total if total_memory is None else total_memory
def fmt_bytes(n):
exp = math.log2(n)
if exp < 10:
return '{}B'.format(n)
elif exp < 20:
return '{:.1f}KB'.format(n / (2**10))
elif exp < 30:
return '{:.1f}MB'.format(n / (2**20))
elif exp < 40:
return '{:.1f}GB'.format(n / (2**30))
max_memory *= max_memory_util
Maximum element size: {}
Memory size: {}
Pipeline instances: {}
Tasks in queue per PU: {}
""".format(fmt_bytes(max_size), fmt_bytes(max_memory), pipeline_instances, queue_size_per_pipeline))
io_packet_size = int(max_memory / (queue_size_per_pipeline * max_size * pipeline_instances))
io_packet_size = max(io_packet_size, 100)
work_packet_size = int(io_packet_size * work_io_ratio)
# IO packet size must be a multiple of work packet size
io_packet_size = int(work_packet_size * max(1, int(1.0 / work_io_ratio)))'Estimated params: work packet size {}, io packet size {}'.format(
work_packet_size, io_packet_size))
return cls(work_packet_size, io_packet_size, **kwargs)
return resolve